Patrik Jacob
Großlohering 26e
22143 Hamburg
USt ID DE259936660
T: +49 (0) 40 60950576
M: +49 (0) 171 3086343
Content responsibility: Patrik Jacob
Contents, design and structure of the website are protected by copyright. All information, texts and photos provided on the website are only intended for individual use. The information or data contained therein, particularly texts, excerpts of texts or photos, may not be replicated without prior written consent by KORU Development.
KORU Development denies any liability for information displayed on websites for which there is a direct or indirect link from the pohlmann service website. KORU Development has neither provided the content of these linked, external websites, nor does the company have any control over the content displayed on websites of third parties.
The contents of websites linked with the KORU Development homepage do not reflect the opinion of KORU Development and are only intended to provide information and contextual explanations. KORU Development cannot be made liable for external contents, which was merely referred to as outlined above. The responsibility lies entirely with the provider of the respective contents.
Our website contains links to the websites of third parties (“external links”). As the content of these websites is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for such external content. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the point in time when the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognisable to us. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to us, we will immediately remove the link in question.